
Selling your products locally is much different than selling out of town, out of state or province, or out of the country. International sales require a skill set that many an enterprise does not have. Sometimes is lack of properly trained people for the job at hand, and/or other resources or even structure wise. Sales techniques, sales aids, sales tools and expertise to over most markets of the world is what we have. At MAXR GLOBAL LLC, we take pride to have the best sales team and representation in many industries in many global markets. We can provide consultancy help or take on the job for your sales organization or anywhere in between. We specialize in international direct and pro-forma sales; agency and representation based sales, trade show sales, outsourcing for sales, consultative complex sales, consignment sales, B2B sales, web sales, and many other formats. We can help your company structure efficiently for international sales, and we can train your personnel too!